Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An Ugly Website: The first coding assignment

Learning code is exciting, but complicated. When I learned how to ride a bike, I focused on one thing: balance. There was no need to think about the position of my hands on the handlebars or my feet on the pedals. The main concern was balancing the bike so I wouldn’t fall off. And, believe me, I fell off that bike! Writing code is very different. There is no one thing that can be focused on. I have to be aware of the various aspects of the code to ensure that everything fits together. In addition, I have to be careful to not leave anything out of the code.

This week, I received feedback on my first coding assignment. I created what is called an “ugly website”. This website is supposed to be a no frills website that gives a glimpse at the foundations of creating content on the web. There were several challenges in that I had to incorporate particular coding and file structure. For example, the files created for the website have to be named in such a way that when the webpage is displayed by the browser, it is easy to reference the source file name. This means no spaces or capital letters when naming files and folders.

The challenge to me was remembering how to use specific tags in the code. A tag is a word surrounded by karat brackets such as <br> and <hr>. Knowing what each of these do, is the challenge. All websites have a head and a body indicated by the tags <head> and <body>. It is vital that each tag is closed with the closing tag. The closing tag has a backwards slash before the name of the tag like </body>.

Really, anyone can learn to code. I believe that a person’s disposition and goals will determine if this is something that should be pursued. To some, web code can be scary. I know it was for me. But, once I started to learn it, I began to understand it. As Henry Ford once said:

There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can.”


Friday, January 24, 2014

Purpose of Blog: Coding for a career

I have decided to make this blog reflect my journey into learning Web Design. After all, this is what I will be living and breathing for the next 2 years and beyond. The foundation of web design is coding.

Coding is a great skill to learn. When you learn just one aspect of coding, you've know more than you did before. Learning one language code can change your life!

For example, a person who learns HTML can now put that skill on his or her resume. This can lead to a more rewarding career (in more ways than one).

I hope this blog is helpful!